For those who are interested in climbing, now there’s a Slashie for that. This will be the first meetup for any of you who love the challenge of climbing or just want to try it out for the first time. We’ll be meeting at Main Event Austin for some indoor rock climbing on Sunday, February 19. When: Sunday, Feb 19 […]
Stories tagged:

Swing Dancing Slashie Kickoff
Have you always wanted to try swing dancing (or any kind of social dancing) but never had a crowd to go with? Are you aware that Austin’s swing scene is the envy of most cities in the nation? Do you believe that anybody who can tap their toe can learn to dance? If you answered yes to any of these […]
Book Club: One Hundred Years of Solitude
After finishing off a classic like True Grit, the Book Club will be diving into another classic, One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. But like True Grit this may have gone overlooked since it isn’t “required reading” in schools. This novel has come to be considered one of the most influential Latin American texts of all time. […]
Creative Slashie: Bomb It Screening
Join the Creative Slashie for their first meetup next Wednesday night (Dec 1) at Space12. They’ll be watching the documentary Bomb It. Some drinks and popcorn will be available, but feel free to bring your own beverage or snack. Date: Wednesday, December 1 When: 7:30pm Where: Space12 Email Mick Santostefano if you have any questions. Graffiti isn’t simple vandalism; it’s […]
Book Club: True Grit
The Book Club will be meeting up Monday, Dec 6 to start their next book: True Grit by Charles Portis. A Western that was made into a movie starring John Wayne, True Grit is a genuine American classic. The Cohen brothers have recently adapted the book into a new movie. Instead of remaking the John Wayne classic, they decided to […]
Book Club: Three Cups of Tea
The Book Club will be meeting up this Monday to eat, drink, and start their conversation on their latest book: Three Cups of Tea. You’ll want to show up early so you can take advantage of a delicious happy hour! Date: Monday, November 1 When: 6:30pm Where: Red House Pizzeria Email John Bagwell if you have any questions. The astonishing, […]
Moms Unite!
Being a mom is one of the toughest jobs on the planet and only moms truly understand that. The Mom’s Group provides discussion, support, and prayer to our Vox mommas every other Sunday morning at 10am at Space12. We’ll be meeting this Sunday, Oct 17. Join us as we go through Menu for the Future, a 6-week discussion course and […]