Stories tagged:

Joining the Song of Triune Love

Christopher Mack imagines Jesus’ prayer for our active participation in God’s Love and call to work alongside those struggling, afraid, and forgotten. [John 17:20-26]. Reflection What is it like to imagine Jesus’ praying for you? Where do you or your world feel fragmented? How might you open yourself to God’s Love and Oneness? How might you move yourself to the […]

What Did Jesus Think He Was Doing In Giving Us The Holy Spirit

As we build towards pentecost with the life of the Risen One in our midst, James Alison invites us to see our lives as a place of God’s indwelling and revealing.  [John 14:23-29]. Reflection What do you make of the difference between appearing “to” someone and appearing “within” them? What do you make of Jesus’ going and his coming being […]

Praying and Seeing

Each of us is not seeing something about God, and this fifth Sunday of Eastertide, Gena St. David invites us to shift our perspective to glimpse something unexpected.  [Acts 11:2-12]. Reflection If we’re not seeing something clearly, then how will God let us know? What new prayer practice do you want to try this week? Toward whom is the Spirit […]

Growing Good Together

On this Good Shepherd Sunday, Christopher Mack reflects on who might be good shepherds in our lives and how we might be the same for others [Acts 9:36-42]. Reflection Does Jesus’ self-giving life as a good shepherd offer you hope, healing, rest, or reconciliation you need right now? Does someone in your life remind you of Tabitha? Is there an […]

Forming a New Way of Life

In this season of Easter and resurrection, Weylin Lee reflects on how we are forming new patterns and a new way of life that Jesus invites us toward [John 21:1-19]. Reflection How might making space for sacraments help disrupt our default patterns? What does our version of feeding and tending to the vulnerable look like? What is our tension with […]

Does Doubt Mean I Don’t Believe?

David Wallace reflects on how doubt and belief coexist and both are necessary in our journey of faith [John 20:19-29]. Reflection When has your certainty led to unforgiveness? How does trusting in God change your understanding of having faith, despite living in a world with such suffering? Resources Book: The Sin of Certainty (Peter Enns)

Subversion of Empire as a Form of Holy Protest

On this Palm Sunday, Jonathan Davis reflects on how Jesus’ journey into Jerusalem subverted empire and injustice of his day [Luke 19:28-40]. Reflection How might God be calling me to subvert injustice in my own sphere of influence? How can I announce/proclaim the alternate Kin-dom of God this coming week? What parts of established religious systems do I reject in […]