Liturgy The violence in the world is old,Our place in the world is ever new. Work in us, Good Shepherd, andGive us the foresight to distinguishThe wolves beneath the willow;Give us courage as you scatterwhat prowls in wait. The goodness in the world is old,The threats to it seem ever new. Guide our simple steps, high upon the cliffs,Or low […]
Stories tagged:

The Peculiarity of Expired Dreams
How do you work through your expired dreams? On the eve of our Fall vision series, Christopher Mack ponders how setbacks, dead ends, failure, and loss shape our spiritualith. How might we see ourselves and one another with new eyes of hope, imagination, and solidarity for the journey ahead? [Exodus 3:1-15] Reflection How have you been shaped by expired dreams? […]
Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.1.08
Liturgy We come in wanting to knowWhat will happen, what we should do, what the plan is.We can feel it rise up in us, this discomfort with uncertainty. Some of us have made plansWe have New Year’s resolutions, new determination, our own way forward.We want to improve ourselves and reach our goals. And you, our Creator GodHave just arrived on […]
The Mystery of God
Speaker Gena St. David uses the phrase “all bodies matter” in today’s homily in the context of support and solidarity for the vision and mission of Black Lives Matter. She begins the new year reflecting on Epiphany and how mystery can lead us into goodness, belonging, and beautiful embodiment. [Ephesians 3:5-12] Reflection When have you felt part of a larger […]
Does Doubt Mean I Don’t Believe?
David Wallace reflects on how doubt and belief coexist and both are necessary in our journey of faith [John 20:19-29]. Reflection When has your certainty led to unforgiveness? How does trusting in God change your understanding of having faith, despite living in a world with such suffering? Resources Book: The Sin of Certainty (Peter Enns)
Moving Toward Christ
Weylin Lee reflects on our invitation to move toward Christ in this season of disruption and disconnection even in the midst of fatigue and uncertainty [Luke 5:1-11]. Reflection How are you creating space for the mystery and presence of God? What is Christ inviting you to consent to in this season? How is your calling being shaped right now? Practice […]
The Point(lessness) of Pain
Nic Acosta reflects on pain and trauma and how we’re invited to explore and engage the tension and mystery that comes with it [Job 38]. Reflection How can we bring our full selves to the table, both our joy and our pain, and still seek connection? What does it look like to lean into the mystery of Christ, leading us […]