In order to give our coffee volunteers a break, and to recruit some new folks, we are putting out coffee service on hold June through August. If you’re grabbing coffee on the way to liturgy, consider stopping by one of our great east side businesses. Coffee will start back up in September! [Photo by
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Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 05.28.2017
Liturgy In the winds of trouble, we forget our roots. We see the inept rule, we see the violent prevail, we watch the poor go hungry. In the quiet hours, we forget our roots. We are full of noise, we clamor for our rights, we lament our place. In the good soil, we forget our roots. We hunger for more […]
Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 05.21.2017
Liturgy How easily we retreat into ourselves. This week, it was a slight. This week, it was terrible news. This week, it was a paycheck. How easily we retreat into ourselves. How quickly we lose sight of your love. This year, it has been family. This year, it has been work. This year, it has been addiction. How quickly we […]
Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 05.14.2017
Liturgy Thank you, loving God, for the time to gather this morning to worship you. We seek your grace and peace as we walk through the dark days in our lives. Thank you for your promised rest, and the promise of your guiding Spirit. We come this morning to honor you and refresh our spirits in your presence. We pray […]
Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 05.07.2017
Liturgy The Spirit of God calls us from many places; from the places we call home and those we occupy for the time being. Yet we all come to this same place; all of us seeking God’s presence in our lives, all of us seeking God’s presence with each other, all of us seeking to work and rest in the […]
Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 04.30.2017
Liturgy Ever-present God, you meet us in the borderlands, in places neither here nor there, at times when we are well out of our comfort zone; even if we don’t know where we’re going, when we feel most lost, you are there: thank you, God. We thank you for all we can learn from our sisters and brothers who live […]
Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 04.23.2017
Liturgy We believe in God who speaks through the prophets and lifts our gaze up to high and beautiful paths and peaks. We believe in Christ Jesus, free of corruption yet willingly numbered among the sinners, baptized in the waters of the Jordan. We believe in the Spirit who rested on Jesus like a dove, and who inspired him with […]