Stories tagged:

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 08.21.2016

Liturgy Heavenly Father, Christ within us, Spirit of our very breath, we offer gratitude for being here today, safe in this place. Still our minds as we open our hearts to your message. Give us mindfulness of our bodies as we breathe in (pause) and out (pause). Help us to release thoughts of our plans for the day, worries about […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 08.14.2016

Liturgy Holy God, God of risk, of action and of love, we gather today to worship and learn. Thank you for the newness you give us with each morning. Thank you for the familiarity of people and things around us. You bless us with discerning minds, and we ask for courage to use them. Open our hearts to hear your […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 08.07.2016

Liturgy Creator God, we gather today in worship of your holiness, your goodness, your faithfulness. You are the creator of joy, of love, and of life. We praise you for your goodness. You have designed us to reflect your nature, and so you have given us the power to be holy, good and faithful. Open our hearts to the mystery […]

Liturgy Role Sign-up

Liturgy means the work of the people, and every week an amazing group of volunteers steps up to craft our service. Weekly roles are listed on a clipboard we passed during the sermon. If you’ve been meaning to sign up for a liturgy role but missed the clipboard as it passed, you can now find it conveniently at the coffee […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 07.24.2016

Liturgy Heavenly Father, May we seek you and find you, may we knock and the door be opened, for we are sojourners looking for your Kingdom. As we encounter suffering in this world, turn our hearts, our ears, our eyes, our souls toward Christ, who emptied himself, and was tempted, and suffered for us, even giving his own life. In […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 07.17.2016

Liturgy With friends and strangers, with family and neighbors, we gather: Dwell among us, Healing God, with your love which never ends. With faith reaching out to touch, with hearts straining to trust, we hope: Dwell among us, Friend of the broken, with your compassion which makes us whole. With word and wonder, with silence and song, we wait: Dwell […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 07.10.2016

Liturgy The table of Jesus is our place of gathering. Here, you are welcomed, wanted, loved. Here, there is a place set for you. So come all you who are hungry, all you who hunger for the bread of life, all you whose souls cry out for healing. Come all you who are weary, all you who are bowed down […]