Liturgy Each person in this room is a kaleidoscope of feelings, experiences, thoughts and skills. Always changing, and always showing a different aspect of God’s creativity. Each person brings a worldview so rich only their Creator can truly understand it. Our collective body is beautiful in its many parts, but is made truly magnificent when it comes together to seek […]
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Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 07.16.2017
Liturgy Welcome, welcome, welcome, we welcome all that comes to us today. We are made of our experiences. Those that teach us joy, those that teach us pain, and those that teach us comfort. We are made of times that teach us when we need to move, and when we need to be still. We welcome the loving presence of […]
Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 07.02.2017
Liturgy Welcome, welcome, welcome. we welcome everything that comes to us today. With open palms, we welcome the discomfort of the heat, the chaos of our schedules, the burden of our daily tasks. We are free to welcome these things because we are free to be fully alive and messy and chaotic. We are truly loved by our God in […]
Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 06.25.2017
Liturgy You, who are gathered here in this place, consider for a moment. Why are you here? What do you desire in this place? What are you looking for? To get here, you got up and got dressed instead of sleeping in, you passed places that serve great food and varietal coffees, and you kept coming toward this place instead. […]
Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 06.18.2017
Liturgy Hospitable God, you invite us to a banquet where the last may be first, and the humble and the mighty trade places. Let us share your abundance with no fear of scarcity; let us greet strangers as angels you have sent. Send your Spirit now so that we may find a place at your table and welcome others with […]
Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 06.11.2017
Liturgy Most Holy Mystery, open our eyes, our ears, and our hearts this morning to catch a glimpse of God’s vision for our lives and all of creation; to witness the presence of Christ in this place and in one another; to feel the Spirit of God moving around us, among us, and within us. We are drawn together as […]
Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 06.04.2017
Liturgy Spirit God, blow into our lives, move us to action, break down the walls that separate us. Where our language divides, offer us translation. Where our fear overcomes, fill us with the fire of courage. Where our lives are becalmed, fill our sails with wind, moving us forward into the unknown future. Fill us with the hope and the […]