Stories tagged:

Tragic Gap

Weylin Lee reflects on how we are invited to live in the gap between what is and what could be, especially in a divisive season and political landscape [Psalm 70]. Reflection What is our lament in this current moment and season? How are we moving away from or toward God’s active presence as we live in this gap? Resources Book: […]

Divine Generosity

Weylin Lee reflects on how our generosity can more accurately reflect the divine generosity that God offers us [Matthew 20:1-16]. Reflection How might we practice generosity in a way that’s more expansive and inclusive? How does our value and desire for fairness impact our ability to receive and practice generosity? Spiritual Practice Expand your circle of generosity.  Examine who you […]

Remember Mercy

As we enter the season of Lent, Gideon Tsang reflects on what we need to remember about God’s goodness [Psalm 103:1-6]. Reflection What does it look like to bring your shame into the magnitude of mercy this week? How does it make you feel knowing God wants to satisfy your needs with goodness as long as you live? Spiritual Practice […]

Now is the Time

Melanie Jones reflects on what it means for us today that the kingdom of God is here and now [Mark 1:14-15]. Reflection How do we live in the wake of freedom? How do we #staywoke and avoid daydreaming in our current season of justice-seeking?

Rethinking Incarceration

Dominique DuBois Gilliard explores the history and foundation of mass incarceration. And, reflects on how Christians can pursue justice that restores and reconciles. [Acts 16:16-40] Reflection What is our relationship to the good news when it comes at a cost to our ability to offer participation? How can you take a step in using your privilege to hold systems and […]

Vox Local Missions Team

We’re looking for people who are interested in developing local partnerships and being a part of the Vox Local Missions Team. As a team we’ll pray together, do justice, love mercy, and teach others. We’ll also read good books like Friendship on the Margins and The Politics of Jesus. If you would like to be part of the team or […]