Liturgy Here’s to the God of the wild and untamedHere’s to the animals that bat their wingsAnd test their speed in freedomHere’s to nature as our parish,The beauty of the morning lightThe breeze moving through the treesMay all beings know freedomMay we be stewards of dreams that balloon so much they take up infinitespaceMay the words we speak bring peace […]
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Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.02.04
Liturgy You, who sit atop all of creation,Watching us, covering us with your wingsThe Lord is the everlasting God,the Creator of the ends of the earth.You, who delight in seeing our facesAnd know us by our real names.The Lord is the everlasting God,the Creator of the ends of the earth.You, who give us waterWhen we meet you at the well.The […]
He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands
Despite the evidence around us, how can we awaken to God’s posture of love and liberation for the earth? On the fifth Sunday after Epiphany, Virginia Cumberbatch names the disruption, disappointment and injustice we face, while guiding us to the liberation movements of acknowledging, awakening, and anticipating God’s loving presence all around us and our world. [Isaiah 40:21-31] How might […]
Indivisible from Justice for All
How might we re-imagine God’s justice in a restorative framework rather than a primarily punitive one? On Christ the King Sunday, Christopher Mack reexamines scriptures on God’s justice and judgment through a lens of nonviolent theology and restorative justice. [Matthew 25:31-40] Reflection Where are you struggling to see God at work in our divisive, violent, over-consumptive, and destructive world? When […]
Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2023.11.26
Liturgy Create a throne room for yourself here,O Christ, but let it be the empty seat beside the anxiousthe lonely chair next to the confusedthe vacant pew next to the hungryand reign as sovereign over the forgottenMay your reign be a mockery to the worldbut good news to those who seek out truthand may we join them in the searchfinding […]
Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.7.30
Liturgy The Holy accompanies those who seek Wholeheartedness,Divinity dances with those who love Liberation, The Living Christ makes a home with those who practice Solidarity,and Cosmic Consolation befriends those facing sorrow. Let us worship God—the Web who Holds Together All Things,The Sacred Mystery who makes vivid the ways of Compassion. Holy Spirit, when we do not know what we ought […]
Rallying Cry of Resistance
How might we respond when we feel powerless, unsupported, and at a loss for words? Christopher Mack points to the Apostle Paul’s understanding of Spirit crying out with us for compassion and renewal. [Romans 8:26-32] Reflection How do you handle moments when you find yourself speechless? How can we continue to bear witness as God’s subversive global family? Resources Book: […]