Liturgy Glory to God in the highest,and on earth peace, good willtoward humankind. In the angel’s gentle greeting,teach us to hear your love. In Mary’s glad obedience,teach us to follow your light. In your lowly birth and lodging,teach us to embrace your humility. In the worship of poor shepherds,teach us to give our attention. We light the Advent candlesthat all […]
Stories tagged:
Unexpected Joy and Peace
What are we invited to do or change as we consider the unexpected disruption that the first Christmas brought with the birth of a baby? On the eve of Christmas Eve, Weylin Lee leads us in the practice of lectio divina through a reflection over the past year and through the Christmas story [Luke 2:8-15] Resources Book: Wholehearted Faith by […]
Joy in Distress
As we continue in the season of Advent, Weylin Lee reflects on what practices might invite us to embody joy as we continue to navigate distress and disruption both in and outside our lives [Philippians 4:4-7]. Reflection Who are those in our lives that we might need to embody gentleness towards? How might we hold the tension of practicing gratitude […]
Blessed Be the Lord
Virginia Cumberbatch reflects on what it looks like to praise in the midst of the difficult season we have all been enduring [Psalm 124]. Reflection How are you giving yourself permission to share and express gratitude for God’s preservation, presence and protection? How will you express praise this week/in this season? Resources Song: Good (One House Worship) Song: You Keep […]
The Paradox of Rebirth
Gideon Tsang reflects on the paradox of rebirth on this Easter Sunday. Matt Inman, Gena Minnix and Virginia Cumberbatch also share their reflections on this text [Matthew 28:1-10]. Reflection What have you experienced during this gestation period before an eventual rebirth? How can you hold the paradox of fear and joy this week? Spiritual Practice Create a tomb in your […]
Touching the Eternal
Jennifer Cumberbatch reflects on the invitation to joy in the midst of suffering [Romans 5:1-5]. Reflection Is it possible that suffering (loss, trials, temptations, tribulation) is a portal to the presence of the Holy One and thus a path to experiencing joy? Is there divine purpose in suffering? Resources Video: Joyful Joyful (Sister Act 2) Spiritual Practice PLAN: P – […]
Abiding Love
Abiding Love Gena Minnix explores what it means to abide in love, especially when we’re hurting [John 15:9-17]. Reflection With whom am I currently practicing abiding in love? What do I want to remember the next time I lose joy in that relationship? Resources Video: Turtle Flip Podcast: Notes from a Public Typewritter MWG: Discussion Guide