Stories tagged:

I Am Anything

Sarah Berson reflects on the story of Hannah and her experience through the movements of I am nothing, I am something, and I am anything [1 Samuel 1:4-20]. Reflection What is your suffering stripping from you? What does your nothingness feel like? What belief grounds you in “I am something?” What space is created with your belief that I am […]


Insil Kang reflects on why we might turn down an invitation from God and how we might make space to navigate our response toward participation [Matthew 22:1-14]. Reflection What are the reasons I refuse an invitation to a party/event? How does the dynamic between an invitation by God and my response actually play out in my day? How is it […]

Rootedness: Intimacy

Jason Minnix continues our vision series on Rootedness by exploring how being rooted in community changes our relationship with God over time [John 15:9-14]. Reflection How is God inviting the mess of who I am into love? How am I being invited into the mystery of intimacy now? Resources Book: The Forgotten Desert Mothers (Laura Swan) MWG: Discussion Guide Spiritual […]

Some Things

Jason Minnix explores the practice of hospitality and accommodating others [1 Corinthians 9:16-23]. Reflection Where is God inviting me to accommodate others more, or less? Where am I being invited to relax my filtering of the good or tragic and experience the good news that’s been seeking me out? Resources Video: Phantom Thread MWG: Discussion Guide

Extending the Table

What is all this talk about a new Vox table experiment? The past few months I’ve been delighted to dream with Vox in extending our table. The questions we’ve been leaning into include, “How do we create more room at this beautiful table?” and “We sense we’re being invited to pull up more chairs to Christ’s table. Who are they […]

Midweek Group Invitational Dialogue

As a community, we’re entering a season of dialogue to discover what it means to be an invitational community and invite others into God’s story. Some of us have had both healthy as well as counter-productive experiences in sharing God’s story and the person of Christ. Our goal isn’t to figure out a formula or replicate a single model, but […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 07.29.12

Liturgy In the sun which banishes the shadows, in the birds who chorale us awake: it was you, Creation’s Joy, leading us into this new day. In the touch, healing long-grasped grudges, in the laughter of children which nudges us into hope: it is you, Emmanuel, God with us, who walks each step of the way with us. In the […]