July 29, 2012

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 07.29.12


In the sun which banishes the shadows,
in the birds who chorale us awake:
it was you, Creation’s Joy,
leading us into this new day.

In the touch, healing long-grasped grudges,
in the laughter of children which nudges us into hope:
it is you, Emmanuel, God with us,
who walks each step of the way with us.

In the compassion melting icy hearts,
in the peace, silencing our boastful voices:
it will be you, Holy Spirit,
who guides us into the kingdom.

Creator, Emmanuel, Holy Spirit,
we give thanks for who you are.

We pray in the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Congregational Prayer

In prayer, let us confess to God as a community.

O God, teach us of our need to live in peace,
to love others and to walk the right paths.

We seldom heed your wisdom,
and instead, turn back to our selfish ways.

When friends hurt us,
we hurt back;
when someone hits us,
we strike back;
when family members ridicule us,
we spread gossip about them.

God of mercy, forgive us of our wrongs.

Lead us to a different life:
a life of forgiving, not revenge;
a life of peace, not anger;
a life of love, not hate.

Grant us your mercy for all we have done,
and help us walk in your new ways of living.

We ask in the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.


How can we point people to Jesus?
What does it look like to invite our friends to transformation and healing?
How can we invite others and participate in God’s story now?


Go forth this week to greet the world at work,
as the Lord has greeted us here in worship.

Go forth in the name of God the Creator,
whose awesome strength empowers us,

in the name of Christ the Redeemer,
whose tremendous love transforms us,
and in the name of the Holy Spirit,
whose gentle presence guides us.

To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Lighthouse Keeperess @ Flickr]

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