On Pentecost Sunday, Kimberly Culbertson invites us to lean in and listen for Spirit’s divine ‘Yes, yes, yes!’ over our lives. [Acts 2:1-11]. Practices Invite the Holy Spirit into moments of disorientation, and in doing so, receive peace that only God can offer Ask the Holy Spirit to help us see clearly Ask the Spirit how you are discounting yourself, […]
Stories tagged:
holy spirit

A New Way of Being
As we enter a new year, Weylin Lee reflects on what our invitation is toward a new way of being and experiencing transformation [Mark 1:4-11]. Reflection What area of your life is in need of truth-telling? How are you invited to consent to God’s unconditional love in this year? Practice Confession. Acknowledge your choice of deception over truth. Invite yourself […]
Doorway to Presence
Gideon Tsang reflects on how we’re invited to dwell in our present moment. Danielle Dalsey Kimball also shares her reflections on this text [John 14:15-17]. Reflection Are you present to what’s alive in you? What practices can bring you back to the present moment this coming week? Spiritual Practice Contemplative Prayer. Breathing in, I calm my body. Breathing out, I […]
The Gift of Presence
For Pentecost Sunday, Weylin Lee explores why God’s spirit and presence is a meaningful gift for us [John 14:8-17]. Reflection How can you practice becoming more aware of God’s presence in your life today? What does it mean for you to embody God’s Spirit and be a gift of presence to others? Resources Book: Practicing the Presence of God (Brother […]
As we celebrate Pentecost, John Chandler reflects on how we might allow the Spirit to help us learn and grow in living the way of Jesus [Luke 5:1-11]. Reflection In what ways have you recently seen the Holy Spirit at work in your life or community? What practices have best helped you recognize the direction of the Holy Spirit in […]
Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 6.27.10
Liturgy Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has dawned upon you. For behold, darkness covers the land; deep gloom enshrouds the peoples. But over you the Lord will rise, and his glory will appear upon you. Nations will stream to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawning. Your gates will […]