Stories tagged:

Greenhouse Coordinator Profile: Brittany Acosta

Brittany Acosta is the newest member of our staff serving as the part-time Greenhouse Coordinator for the Vox community. She will coordinate our children’s ministry to help our kids foster wonder and imagination of Scripture, and learn to love their own neighbors. Read on to find out more about Brittany. Favorite ice cream:Ranch Sunflower Seeds Tell us a bit about […]

Greenhouse Coordinator Position [2019]

We’re looking for a Greenhouse Coordinator to serve our children and families in a part-time position on staff with Vox. We hope our Vox kids can have an authentic experience with God and with each other as they grow in community. We want Greenhouse to feel like a true extension of our liturgy and hope to create a safe space […]

Greenhouse Coordinator Position [2018]

After serving our community for the past 5 years, MaryAnn Clark (MAC) will be leaving her role as our amazing Greenhouse Coordinator. We are sad to see her go, but extremely grateful for how she has served our community, and excited for her new opportunity. So in order to continue to better support Greenhouse, we’re praying that someone can help […]

Greenhouse Summer Needs

Greenhouse is an extension of our liturgy for the younger members of our community. During the summer, our volunteer pool tends to shrink. In order to keep our kiddos safe and provide content for them, our needs for each class between June and September are: 4 more volunteers for Pods (toddlers) 6 more for Sprouts (preschoolers) 4 generous folks for […]

Greenhouse Spartan

Over the last few months, we’ve been rehabbing a Spartan trailer to use for our expanding population of Voxlings. This means we have some new room assignments for Greenhouse. Make sure to double check the new map on Sundays during announcements. Parents taking kids to the spartan should walk through the courtyard and behind the portable, not into the parking […]

Greenhouse Family & Volunteer Picnic [Nov 16]

Join us for a Greenhouse picnic on Saturday, November 16, starting at 11:30am. This will be a great chance for all the parents, teachers and volunteers of our Greenhouse kiddos to eat, mingle and burn off some energy chasing the little ones around the park. We’ll be meeting at the Mueller park playground across from the Thinkery, so bring your […]

Greenhouse Parents & Volunteers Meeting

Greenhouse, our children’s ministry, will be having a parents and volunteers meeting right after liturgy on Sunday, August 25th. If you are a parent or Greenhouse volunteer (or are interested in being a Greenhouse volunteer), we hope you will be able make it! We will be talking about the logistics of our space, the different classes, what the kids are […]