Stories tagged:

Midweek Group Invitational Dialogue

As a community, we’re entering a season of dialogue to discover what it means to be an invitational community and invite others into God’s story. Some of us have had both healthy as well as counter-productive experiences in sharing God’s story and the person of Christ. Our goal isn’t to figure out a formula or replicate a single model, but […]

Baptism [Apr 27]

As our journeys of faith continue and unfold through the lives we live, there comes a time in the Christian tradition where we get the opportunity to lay down a mile marker signifying our faith of God and our desire to publicly convey our desire to live a Christ following life. In the Greek system, it is called Initiation, aka, […]

Engaging Scripture

For many, reading the Bible can be intimidating and confusing.  It was written over centuries by dozens of authors covering multiple genres.  Since William Tyndale gave his life to translate the Bible to the masses, we should take advantage of having access to a timeless text.  Two books that might be helpful with regard to this subject are Eat This Book by Eugene Petersen […]

Sunday Midweek Group

For those of you who are unable to plug into a Midweek Group during the week or are still waiting for a group, join us on Sunday mornings before liturgy to participate in a Sunday Midweek Group. We will be spending the morning reflecting on Scripture through Lectio and praying for the needs of those in our community and around […]

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