Stories tagged:

Child Dedication Sunday [May 26]

>>Update<< We have reached capacity for families to dedicate their children on May 26th. There will be another opportunity during our Fall dedication service in October. If you’d like to be included in the October service, please email the greenhouse address below. On May 26th during our Sunday morning liturgy, parents will have the opportunity to dedicate their children before […]

Midweek Group Spring Book Club [Feb-May]

Our Midweek Groups will be going through a spring book club around This Here Flesh (by Cole Arthur Riley).  Cole Arthur Riley is the creator of Black Liturgies and in this book, she reflects on her own childhood and coming to self to explore important questions of life and faith and how our stories and bodies play a central role. These groups will be […]

Enneagram Workshop [May 14]

You may have noticed that the Enneagram comes up often in the Vox community. Whether you’re a full-fledged fan who’s sure of your number, or you’re brand new to Vox and the Enneagram, you’re invited to join us for an introductory (or refresher) meet-up to discuss and connect around this helpful tool. Sometimes called a map for the soul, the […]

Theology Conversations [Apr 20]

Vox theology conversations are a chance to ask questions, reflect on scriptures, and be curious about the story God is telling through creation, humanity, Christ, the Spirit, and the church. James Alison said, “A theologian is someone who finds themselves on the inside of a communication that didn’t originate with them… therefore the first task of a theologian is to […]

Nonviolent Communication Workshop [Mar 23]

One of the more meaningful tools our community has discovered and practiced is Nonviolent Communication. This framework gives us a different way to navigate challenging conversations – moving us from tendency to cause pain to one of healing. “I have come that you might have life.” Our hope is that this framework equips us to better live out our values […]

What’s Alive

Jason Minnix reflects on how challenging the structure of our life and faith helps us explore the meaning behind them [Luke 20:27-38]. Reflection Do the rules and structure of my life support my “why” or have they replaced it? What’s alive in me today? How can I carry it with love this week? Spiritual Practice Refocus on your why.  Refocus […]

Enneagram Dessert Luck [Jul 20]

What: Enneagram Workshop When: Wednesday, July 20 7-9pm Where: Space12 Whether you’re working on becoming an enneagram nerd or curious what this personality lens is that we keep talking about, this will be a fun night to hear more about this tool for self-awareness. Please bring a dessert or snack to share! This night will be part of a series […]

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