What is our connection to the environment, our faith, one another, and our bodies? Christopher Mack closes our series on participation by leaning into our call “to care for and serve the earth we belong to.” [Romans 8:19-23; 12:18] Reflection Where do you see creation groaning for renewal? How does the lament of creation show up in you? How might […]
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Participating in a Creative Body
What does it mean to be the body of Christ? What places inside my body are crying out? Gena St. David reflects on how we embody participation, as we continue our series. [Romans 12:1-5] Reflection How is your body unique? How is God creating transformation through our bodies? How is Vox participating in Christ’s body? Resources Vox Veniae’s Values
All Rise
Christopher Mack reflects on how resurrection hope invites us towards the redemption of our world and partnership with God through an embodied life [1 Corinthians 15:12-20]. Reflection How have you been longing for transformation or groaning against injustice this week? How does Jesus’ embodied life challenge you to see the image of God anew in creation, community, or in your […]
Centering Around Christ
Weylin Lee reflects on how we are invited to center ourselves and our community around Christ in this next season together and we navigate reconnection and transition [Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:5-12]. Reflection How can we center ourselves around the embodiment of Jesus’ life and teachings? Where can we let go of power and privilege to embrace downward mobility? Whom are the […]
Lent: Embodiment
Weylin Lee reflects on how even though we typically fast and deny our body during Lent, we might also be invited to connect with our bodies and practice embodiment to connect with God [John 2:13-22]. Reflection How are you invited to embody disruption towards injustice this Lent? What are the “thin places” you can explore and experiment with this Lent? […]
The Gift of Presence
For Pentecost Sunday, Weylin Lee explores why God’s spirit and presence is a meaningful gift for us [John 14:8-17]. Reflection How can you practice becoming more aware of God’s presence in your life today? What does it mean for you to embody God’s Spirit and be a gift of presence to others? Resources Book: Practicing the Presence of God (Brother […]
Weylin Lee reflects on what Jesus’ resurrection into a physical body means for how we live in and out of our body here and now [Luke 24:36-48]. Reflection How are you invited to live from the vulnerability of your wounds? In what ways can you live a holistic life that integrates body and soul? Resources Book: From Brokenness to Community […]