Stories tagged:

The Embodied Practice of the Way of Christ

If our practice of faith is to be aligned with the way of Christ, what are we invited to embody? practice? On the fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Weylin Lee grounds us in a nonreactive posture of engaging with presence and intention toward others. [James 1:22-27] Reflection How might our posture of listening facilitate a healthier practice of faith? What does […]

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.01.28

Liturgy We come to sit with you now, our Mother God.You have made all things and provided what we need.We are like weaned children,Drawing close to feel your presence,Our souls stilled and quieted within us.For you, Oh God, are our source and our solace,Our hope and our connector.We recognize the many gods in our livesThose that cannot compare to a […]

What is our discernment rooted in?

How has pride in our knowledge limited our ability to love? On the fourth Sunday after Epiphany, Weylin Lee invites us into a practice of discernment rooted in mutuality that respects difference, embodied contemplation, and a freedom that protects the vulnerable. [1 Corinthians 8:1-6] Where does knowledge limit and hinder our posture and practice of love and mutuality? What is […]

Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.7.16

Liturgy Let us prepare our hearts for God’s holy workWe ready ourselves for Divine disruption As the earth longs to flourish and the people dream of restGod has promised to show us the way Setting down our egos, taking up our faithWe seek the seeds of transformation Wisdom is here, alive and among us.Let us receive her truth. God of […]

Reimagining Growth

How does reflecting on God’s abundance impact your willingness to consent to God’s movement in your life? Weylin Lee considers a parable of Jesus on growth. How might we reimagine our relationship to God’s abundance and how we expand our lives beyond ourselves? [Matthew 13:1-9] Reflection How might consenting to God’s abundance facilitate your growth? Where have you experienced growth […]

A Contemplative Life: How Receptivity & Action Create a New World

Lauri Raymond reflects on how embracing contemplative prayer opens us to the Love, Wisdom and Wholeness of God that transforms us individually and collectively. [Ephesians 3:14-19] Reflection What is getting in the way of vulnerability and trust? How can I spend more quiet time with God? How can I bring contemplation into my life and relationships?

Meditation of the Heart

Kelly Cutbirth reflects on how we might facilitate meditation of the heart especially in the challenging circumstances we face [Psalm 19]. Reflection What kind of song is your heart singing this morning? In what area of your life do you feel the need to hide parts of yourself? How does it feel to imagine yourself being fully known in that […]