Stories tagged:

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 07.24.11

Liturgy Lord, you made all things, and you made us in your image, and saw that it was good. We thank you for your work of creation, for the beauty we enjoy, for human skill and artistry. We thank you for community, friendship and love, for family and marriage, for the privilege of parenthood. And above all we thank you […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 07.17.11

Liturgy Lord Jesus Christ, who is, who was, and who is to come, we pray for the virtue of hope, that amidst the trails and difficulties of this world, we may keep our hearts fixed upon you, who reigns over the cosmos. May your grace enliven us, strengthen us, and defend us, as we await your coming glory. In the […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 07.10.11

Liturgy Every creature, every plant, every rock and grain of sand proclaims the glory of its Creator, worshiping through color, shape, scent and form. Creator God, may we join with the whole of your creation in praising you, our Maker through the melody and the service of our lives. in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 07.03.11

Liturgy God, our shaper, thank you for calling us into community in this city. Thank you for its color and vibrancy, its texture and life. Thank you that we can’t do all that you’ve asked of us on our own. But it’s together with all the people here that we’re asked to build your commonwealth of justice, peace and fullness […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 06.26.11

Liturgy Traveling God, we journey with you together in faith: sometimes with confidence and hope, sometimes with faltering steps; from places of clarity to the shadows of mystery; never still, never certain but ever-changing and growing; never quite knowing what the future might bring, but trusting that you hold us in love, we thank you for your merciful presence. Traveling […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 06.19.11

Liturgy We believe in God, Creator of beauty, source of every breath, foundation of every movement. God leads us beside still waters, makes us lie down in green splendor and lets nature heal and restore us. We believe in Jesus, the risen Christ, who loved the least, the last and the lost. Christ loves us, calls us by name and […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 06.12.11

Liturgy Everyone is clergy. Everyone is called to serve, To create, to communicate, To participate with our good Creator In the making and remaking of our good world. Everyone is clergy. Everyone is called to stand, To struggle, to suffer, to trust and to love, And so to join in the unmaking of injustice and In the liberation of earth […]