Weylin Lee speaks about how we can foster a community that embraces differences in order to move toward the kind of community God invites us to be [1 Corinthians 8:1-13]. Reflection Whose story do I need to hear more fully in order to move beyond knowledge so they can be more fully known? Who do I need to practice empathy […]
Author Archives: ochs
In the Weeds
Gena Minnix reflects on the questions that we ask when we have moments and seasons where we are overwhelmed [Jonah 3:1-10]. Reflection Is there an area of life where I feel ‘in the weeds’ right now? If I were to pray a prayer ‘from the weeds’ what would it sound like? Resources Video: Japanese Slippery Stairs MWG: Discussion Guide
Receiving Gifts
As we wrap up this year, Jason Minnix leads a time of reflection and meditation through the practice of Lectio Divina [Isaiah 61:10-62:3]. Reflection Where do I sense meaning and connection this morning? What gift am I being invited to receive today?
Advent: Keep Awake
As we start the season of Advent, Weylin Lee talks about what Jesus is inviting us to wake up to and wake up from [Mark 13:30-37]. Reflection How can we slow down in order to catch up to God? What areas of our interior life need to be awakened? Resources Video – Godspeed Documentary Book – Acedia & Me MWG […]
Practice Gratitude
Gideon Tsang reflects on how we would be changed people if we practiced gratitude collectively as a community [Psalm 100]. Reflection What would it look like to create out of gratitude? How can you be present with gratitude entering into this week? Resources Video – How to Practice Effectively Video – TED Talk (Megan Phelps-Roper) MWG – Discussion Guide
Jason Minnix reflects on some of the ways God is present with us in this journey we are on [Exodus 33:12-23]. Reflection: How can I open myself to participate in God’s presence now? Where am I being invited to play? Resources: Video: Three Year Old Arguing MWG: Discussion Guide
Great Questions
Gideon Tsang explores how Jesus seems to value questions more than he does answers and why questions are essential to a healthy faith [Matthew 21:23-32]. Reflection: How can you embrace your questions of Scripture and faith? How can you celebrate a mistake, wrong answer, or failure as part of your spiritual practice? Resources: Podcast: Freakonomics: That’s a Great Question Book: […]