Liturgy God of water and wine,bring us together this morningto pour and drink deeplyfrom the storehouse of your grace. Let us pause for a moment to breatheand welcome in this new year.[Pause for a few seconds] After a year of losses, bruises,and slights, a year of unmet hopes,we are here to rest and to reclinein the living room you have […]
Author Archives: lena
The Planting of the Lord
Jeff Chu reflects on God’s grace and how our gratitude for that grace is the driving force for whatever work we do in the world [Isaiah 61]. Reflection Where do you see evidence of God’s grace in your life? How can you cultivate a discipline of holy gratitude? Practice Spend time in the presence of oak trees. Reflect on God’s […]
Community Prayers 2020.12.27
Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … family and Christmas. Tiffany Vox, who continues to bring peace during this wild time. Brittney the promise of a new year. Lena self-care practices and face to face communication tools. Josh … let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God. Prayers of Petition. For … my mental health needs during this time. Zach students and […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.12.27
Liturgy Beloved children of promise,sit and listen to the words of your God,listen to the advent of hope. The disaster will end.For unto us a child is born, unto us a child is given.The child’s name is Jesu Christo, and the structuresof the world will shake beneath his little, brown feet.And he will rebuild our old/new home. The exhausted will […]
Hope of Restoration
Weylin Lee reflects on the hope of restoration as we come to the end of this heavy year through the contemplative practice of Lectio Divina [Isaiah 61:10-62:3]. Reflection In light of this past year, what are the things we hope for in this coming year? How might we be open to a new way of being? Resources Year in Photos […]
Community Prayers 2020.12.20
Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … my aunt’s safe recovery from COVID. Gina my cousin’s family recovering from COVID. Anslee the gift of receiving the presence of Christ into the world. Naomi the COVID vaccine- the people who worked hard to develop it so quickly and those who participated in the earliest trials. Sarah time to slow down and reflect. Lena […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.12.20
Liturgy Glory to God in the highest,and on earth peace, good willtoward humankind. In the angel’s gentle greeting,teach us to hear your love. In Mary’s glad obedience,teach us to follow your light. In your lowly birth and lodging,teach us to embrace your humility. In the worship of poor shepherds,teach us to give our attention. We light the fourth Advent candlethat […]