December 27, 2020

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.12.27


Beloved children of promise,
sit and listen to the words of your God,
listen to the advent of hope.

The disaster will end.
For unto us a child is born, unto us a child is given.
The child’s name is Jesu Christo, and the structures
of the world will shake beneath his little, brown feet.
And he will rebuild our old/new home.

The exhausted will rest on the bed of salvation.
For unto us a child is born, unto us a child is given.
The child’s yoke is easy and his burden light,
and he will bring sleep to tired mothers,
life to the imprisoned hopeless, feeling to the numb.

The lonely will dance, arm in arm, at a wedding feast for the ages.
For unto us a child is born, unto us a child is given.
From the child’s miraculous hands will come barrels
Of the most mouth-watering pinot, a precious vintage
Poured just in time to keep the party rolling.

The hungry will laugh in the fruit of the richest soils.
For unto us a child is born, unto us a child is given.
At the child’s invocation, heaven will fill the hungriest mouths,
smoked salmon and ciabatta to sustain the weakest bodies,
living water to slake the strongest thirsts.

May we explore our glimpses of gratitude,
difficult as it may be this year,
for this season and this child —
May we be grateful for the name he’s come to give us,
And listen, hear, and respond to the One who calls us “righteous.”

In the name of our Eternal Creator,
of Immanuel, God with Us,
and the Holy Spirit, our breath of Life.
(Luke Helm)

Prayer of Response

Prayer of Response
Let us pray to God as a community.
Your response will be highlighted in yellow.

Holy Vine of Life,
We ask for your sustenance
In the midst of drought—
Press us into a richness we do not know.

Terse and Tender Gardener,
Give us the toughness
To endure the pain of growth—
Prune us in our lifeless places.

Wise and Able Host,
Teach us to include,
Teach us the improvisation of welcome—
Mend our torn and broken wineskins.

God above disaster,
Show us order as you see it,
Orient us to the surprise of holy power—
Prepare us for the mess of change.

God of Creation, God of Glory,
God of Water, God of Whiskey,
God of Feasting, God of Fasting,
Come to us in our great need,
And redeem, redeem, redeem.

We ask in the name
Of our God, the Creator,
Of Christ, our Savior,
And of the Holy Spirit, our Guide.
(Luke Helm)

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 12.27.20 Hope of Restoration

In light of this past year, what are the things we hope for in this coming year?

How might we be open to a new way of being?


May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord make his face to shine upon you,

May the Lord be gracious to you,
lift up his countenance upon you,
and may the Lord give you peace.

Blessed children of promise: take
hope in this season of promise,
find peace in the uncertainty, give
Christ’s love to this hurting world.

We pray in the name
of the Father,
of the Son,
and the Holy Spirit,

Happy New Year, everyone!
Go in peace, and live the church.
May you find safety and rest throughout the week.
(Luke Helm)

[Photo by Analogueblues]

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