Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … our shelter, food and water. Maya taking concrete steps with my therapist to heal deep seeded sexual traumas and the baggage I’ve been carrying my entire life. Anslee food, shelter and everything we get to explore. Roman painful change. Errol Vox and all its people. Melissa … let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God. […]
Author Archives: lena
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.01.31
Liturgy Let us begin our time together with a breath,And with a breath, begin a time to relax and be freewithin the sanctuary of God’s divine authority.Our response will be highlighted in yellow. Release us, merciful God, from ourfalse impressions of Your divine authority. You do not press down with force.You do not belittle. You do not shame.You do not […]
True Authority
Kelly Cutbirth reflects on how Jesus modeled another way of authority and how we’re invited to embody this truer way of authority as we lead and follow others [Mark 1:21-28]. Reflection What ideas about authority am I being invited to let go of?How can I use my authority to care for and restore freedom to others? Practice Authority grounded in […]
Midweek Group Connection Night [Feb 3]
Midweek groups provide an opportunity for the Vox community to live the church throughout the week and to facilitate our spiritual formation. Each of these groups usually range from 6-10 people and meet on various nights of the week throughout the city. Groups engage various expressions of Scripture and prayer and have access to a wide range of discussion guides […]
Community Prayers 2021.01.24
Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … the US rejoining the Paris climate agreement. Gina the chance to return to service toward a people and purpose that I cherish and love after a heart wrenching, disorienting 1 1/2 years in my career. Tiffany a sense of stability that is helping me process the past four years more deeply. Lena … let us […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.01.24
Liturgy Vox, let us go now to the waters. Let’s see the river,they say it looks like diamonds.Let’s watch as the streams fallfrom the Lamb’s courts. Who is there to meet us? We, who are exhausted,we, who are in angst,we, who are thirsty, Who is there to comfort us? Your body and your breath,say “Come”. Take freely from the waters,take […]
The Good News of God
James Alison reflects on how the good news of God is God’s own self and the invitation for us to repent which is meant to soften our hearts [Mark 1:14-20]. Reflection Why does the good news of God have anything to do with repentance? Why Galilee? Why fishers? And why brothers?