Author Archives: claudia

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2018.10.07

Liturgy We are here by God’s invitation, to be fully present, to be here and now, to bring all parts of our heart to the table. Invite your joy and your grief. Invite your peace and your fear. Invite your confidence and your insecurity. God has invited all of who we are here today. This is a safe space and […]


Liz reflects on how we handle tension and how we relate to God in that tension? [Job 2:1-10]. Reflection What tensions am I holding in life right now? How have I been relating to God as a result? What would it look like to be present with God in a non-transactional way this week? Resources Podcast: On Being – Resilience […]

Thank You from Ecclesia

Hurricane Harvey impacted the city of Houston in ways that will be felt for years to come. In response, Ecclesia Houston mobilized a team of churches to respond to those in need. Teams from Vox traveled to Houston to assist in relief efforts and Ecclesia has sent a thank you to our community with an update on relief efforts. See the video […]

Community Prayers 2018.09.30

As a community, we can support and celebrate with each other through prayer. Join us in praying for those both spoken and unspoken during Sunday liturgy. Prayers of Petition. For … The many who have felt their public traumas played out on a public stage this week. For those who are hurt, angry confused and for those who don’t know […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2018.09.30

Liturgy Faithful God, we come into your presence with thanksgiving, deeply grateful for the unfailing love and faithfulness you have shown toward us, your people. When we call out to you, you answer. When we are exhausted, you give us the strength to go on. When we find ourselves in trouble, you are there, standing beside us. And so we […]


Gideon Tsang reflects on how full we are of gratitude and what questions we can ask that lead us to gratitude [Psalm 103]. Reflection How has God healed us? How does contentment work in my life? What does it mean that God’s love is steadfast and expansive? Resources Video: Obama Dropping Off Malia for College MWG: Discussion Guide Spiritual Practice […]

Community Prayers 2018.09.23

As a community, we can support and celebrate with each other through prayer. Join us in praying for those both spoken and unspoken during Sunday liturgy. Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … Rest and time with family and the opportunity to miss this community. (Gideon) The staff at Vox who stepped in during my time away. (Gideon) … let us bless […]