June 30, 2024

Let Your Whole Life Sing

In a world bent on dividing and condemning, how might we listen to and seek reconciliation with the complex song our whole life is singing?  On the sixth Sunday after Pentecost, Christopher Mack seeks illumination on the intimacy shared between David and Jonathan, and what it teaches us about loving ourselves and loving our enemies. [2 Samuel 1:23-27]


  1. What part(s) of your life and story do you struggle to welcome or find wholeness? 
  2. Where have our interpretations of scripture  reinforced problematic, or unjust understandings of ourselves or others?
  3. How can we embody God’s good news to ourselves and others?


  1. Book: Jonathan Loved David: Homosexuality in Biblical Times by Tom Horner 
  2. Book: The Love of David and Jonathan: Ideology, Text, Reception by James E. Meredith
  3. Book: Consolations: The Solace, Nourishment and Underlying Meaning of Everyday Words by David Whyte

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