Prayers of Thanksgiving. For …
- My brother being cleared of COVID-19, being able to hug his wife and son for the first time in a month. Joe
- Seeing Mikayla, Matthew, and their friend at the stoplight on Airport yesterday. Amy
- Lindsay’s healthy delivery of twins. Jaime
- The people in my life who guide me back to God’s love and truth and light while accepting me and fully hearing me, no matter how crazy I seem. Anslee
- Peace as I enter a high-pressure week. Jaimie
- The safe and happy arrival of Trevor and Paty Neiveen’s second daughter. Kathleen
- Health and a job, for yoga and running, for Alex here with me. Brittney
… let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God.
Prayers of Petition. For …
- The leaders of our countries to have wisdom. Sam
- My momma and her healing. Amanda
- Continued healing of my friend Leigh after breaking her neck, and for the patience of her wife in helping Leigh. Matt
- Deep wells of patience with uncertainties. Gena
- My grandparents and the elderly who are currently experiencing more social isolation than most. Kathleen
- All the workers forced to choose between economic security and health now that states are reopening. Gina
- My mom moving out of NYC to live closer to us during these uncertain times. And for her health. Alison
- My dear friend Jenny & her pregnancy. Katie
- This passing over soon, so I can see my friends and my favorite place Homeslice Pizza again. Please pray for me. Bennie
- The unknown. The hard decisions that will come. For grace and mercy in communication with my family. Naomi
- Those who have no one to turn in this time of chaos and feel alone. Edgar
- The frustrated, the frightened, the ignorant, and the bored, that they make good decisions about participating in nonessential activities that put people in danger. Jennifer
- My hours of feeling good, standing up and moving around without discomfort to increase. Jon
- My uncle who is struggling with the isolation. Nathan
- All the people working to keep us safe, the essential workers. Brittney
- The Helms getting ready to welcome a new family member. Claudia
- Paige, as she starts a new job tomorrow. Prayers for health, new relationships, and ease into a new routine. Chase
… let us pray to the Lord. Lord have mercy.
[Photo by Олександр Дем’яненко @ Flickr]r