March 10, 2020

Work of the People

Every Sunday, we begin our liturgy with the words, “Liturgy means the work of the people, so we invite us all to care for and serve each other this morning.” Our rhythm of being together as a community to worship, to Pass the Peace, to engage scripture, and celebrate eucharist, is an important part of our week. With the growing concern around COVID-19, our desire is to care for and serve one another with compassion and knowledge to reduce anxiety in what can be a stressful time. 

With this in mind, we are asking for your support in making these easy changes in order to help minimize the chance of spreading colds, the flu, and COVID-19. 

Greeting one another and Passing of the Peace.

  • Instead of shaking hands, we can simply use words, wave to our neighbors, or bump elbows. 

Communion. Updated 3.11.20

  • We will be pausing Eucharist for the next few weeks.

We will wipe down shared spaces and Greenhouse kids’ items.

  • Our volunteers will make sure to wipe down door handles in shared spaces and all Greenhouse kid’s items with sanitizing wipes.

If you feel unwell, we ask that you please stay home and take care of yourself. 

  • Vox homilies can be found on our website or on iTunes. 

We will be continually monitoring the situation around COVID-19 and will take stricter measures in the future, as needed. If you have any questions or concerns, please email [email protected]

[Photo by Analogueblues @ Flickr]

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