September 8, 2019

Contemplation: Creating Space

As we start our fall vision series exploring contemplation, Weylin Lee reflects on how creating space for contemplation actually involves letting go of things in our lives [Matthew 16:24-26].


  • What are the things we are hesitant to let go of because it’s how we protect ourselves and preserve our way of living?
  • Where do our loyalties lie and how do we end up losing sight of God’s vision for our life when we’re so tied to our loyalties?
  • What’s the frantic and anxious work that we’ve been devoting our energy to and how can we create space for rest instead?


Spiritual Practice

  • Be Still Prayer.  “Be still and know that I am God.  Be still and know that I am. Be still and know.  Be still. Be.” Sit in a posture of letting go. Pause and reflect after each phrase is read until you’re left with “Be”.
  • Prayer of Examen.  Review your day and recall moments you experienced God’s presence.  Reflect on the loyalties in your life that you’re tied to. Consider how you can discern God in all aspects of your life.

This post needs your thoughts.

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