May 5, 2019

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2019.5.5


God our Father –
Giver of good gifts and
Lifter of the downtrodden –
equip us to relax in your love.

We come to this moment weary,
we begin and end our weeks
with achy joints, creaky souls,
and loves strained to breaking.

Both in the church and in the world,
we have been told to earn our keep.
Both in the church and in the world,
we have told others to earn theirs.

We are inclined to require effort
in exchange for love,
We are inclined to require deference
in exchange for respect.

Today, Holy Lord, Wonderful Counselor,
Break the pattern of this world:

Give us the gift of abiding love, O God,
free us from the tyranny of our own standards.
Teach us to find ourselves in your peace,
make us into conduits of your love.

In the name
of God, the Creator,
of Christ, the Risen One,
and of the Holy Spirit, the Breath of Life.

(Luke Helm)

Community Confession

Holy Vine of Life,
We ask for your sustenance
In the midst of drought—
Press us into a richness we do not know.

Terse and Tender Gardener,
Give us the toughness
To endure the pain of growth—
Prune us in our lifeless places.

Wise and Able Host,
Teach us to include,
Teach us the improvisation of welcome—
Mend our torn and broken wineskins.

God above disaster,
Show us order as you see it,
Orient us to the surprise of holy power—
Prepare us for the mess of change.

God of Creation, God of Glory,
God of Water, God of Whiskey,
God of Feasting, God of Fasting,
Come to us in our great need,
And redeem, redeem, redeem.

We ask in the name
Of our God, the Creator,
Of Christ, our Savior,
And of the Holy Spirit, our Guide.

(Luke Helm)

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 5.5.19 – Familiar Change

How can I wait in the familiar with patience and compassion?

How are the fires of belonging calling me to forgive myself?


As we enter into the familiar routines and rituals
of our week, may we give space for the divine.

To breathe new life into our daily rhythms,
To frustrate the strategies that numbs our desires,
To create new meaning and call us into community,
To be patient when the path forward feels muddy,
To surrender the ways we try to exert control.

May we trust and accept that the Divine
who is in us will guide us toward deeper
compassion toward ourselves and others.

So go now in the name
of God, the Creator,
of Christ, the Risen One,
and of the Holy Spirit, the Breath of Life.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

(Sam Lee)

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Gordon Hart @ Flickr]

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