October 21, 2018

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2018.10.21


Creator God, in the beginning you made all things
good and invited us to live in that goodness.
We are blessed, as bearers of your image
to participate in proclaiming the truth of your kingdom.

You bless us by giving us stewardship of your world,
and invite us into the adventure of collaboration.
You give us the ability to dream, transform and to improve
our world, and the lives of those we share this world with.

Inspire us by your Holy Spirit
that we may use our gifts in
love and adoration of you,
our Loving Father.

We pray in your name, Father,
the name of the Son,
and the Holy Spirit,

Community Confession

God who makes all things good, in the beginning
you created humans in your image, planted us
in your creation, and commanded us to thrive.

But we uprooted, rebelled, and turned against you
against your order, and against the very image we bear.

Even still, you sought us out and desired to abide
with your creation. And coming as Christ, you lived
in a body like ours. You came to show us how to
live a perfect life in an imperfect world.

Have mercy on us as we shed off the identities that
we have created for ourselves. Secure us in your
love, and help us to see ourselves the way you do.

In the name of our
God the Creator,
Christ the Redeemer,
and Holy Spirit, our breath of life,

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 10.21.18 – Rootedness: The Vine

How am I being invited into rootedness now?

What surfaces for healing in me now as I consider rooting?


Roots are only half of the picture,
for now, we live on the dark side
of Eternity with the dirt and dust.

May we be confident in the promise of the
kingdom of God to one day see the other
side of the work he has been planting.

Vox, be rooted in Christ and in love. Abide with
one another as Christ abides in us and with us.
May we remember the dirt that we came from,
and grow in the soil that we are planted in.

May we be transformed in the likeness of Christ
and proclaim the promise of the other side,
the full and glorious kingdom of God.

Let us go in the name
of God the Father,
Christ the Son,
And the Holy Spirit, our breath of life.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Robert Ogilvie @ Flickr]

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