October 14, 2018

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2018.10.14


God of healing and provision,
You are attuned to us.
You hear our voice.
You see our face.
You feel our feelings.

So into this knowing we come this morning
whether by the faith of our own or of a friend,
we know you receive us into your presence.

Soften in us our places of resistance.
Bring forth our wounds and needs to the surface.
Open our deepest depths to receive.

In the name of our provider God,
of our healing Savior,
and the holy Spirit, our Guide,

Community Confession

Lord, you are capable of providing every need,
healing every wound and guiding through every
foundation-shaking circumstance.

However, despite your greatness, we have fears.
We have had plans not go as we have prayed for.

Help us to reconcile our losses with our hope.

And despite your confidence, we have uncertainties.
We get stuck in our knowing of how to pray.

Teach us to pray in an authentic way
that honors all of who we are.

We ask in the name
of the Father,
of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 10.14.18 – Provision

What does our posture of faith and hope look like in uncertain situations?

In what ways have you experienced healing into community?


Take your prayers with you as you go from here,
and embody them in your home, your work, and your rest.

Be carried by your prayers during suffering and joy
by the provision of God, the healing power of Jesus Christ,
and the guide of all circumstances, the Holy Spirit.

Go forth trusting
in the love of the Father,
of the Risen Son,
and of the Holy Spirit,

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Matt Bower @ Flickr]

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