September 16, 2018

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2018.09.16


God, good beyond all that is good,
fair beyond all that is fair, in you is
calmness, peace, and concord.

Heal the dissensions that divide us from one
another, and bring us back to a unity of love,
bearing some likeness to your divine nature.

Through the embrace of love and the bonds of
Godly affection, make us one in the Spirit by
your peace which makes all things peaceful.

We ask this through the
grace, mercy, and tenderness
of the Father,
of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.
(Written by Dionysius of Alexandria)

Community Confession

Lord of all hopefulness, awaken us.
Show us the meaning in our toil,
so that we may rejoice in the
promise of the seeds we sow.

Lord of all hospitality, awaken us.
Show us the refuge of eagles’ wings,
so that we may be people who
offer shelter in times of storm.

Lord of all freedom, awaken us.
Show us the courage that called our
foremothers and fathers out of bondage,
so that we may stand with the oppressed
and be their champions.

Lord of all peace, awaken us.
Show us your heart that calms
even raging waters, so that we
can calm raging hearts, and
reconcile warring neighbors.

We ask these things in the name
of our loving God,
the forgiving Christ,
and our guide, the Holy Spirit.
(Adapted from Catholic Relief Services’ “Awaken Us” prayer)

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 9.16.18 – Transforming Problems

Do I know what I have and don’t have to give to God?

Does my worship bring life or death to myself and others?


Loving God, in you we are transformed
And transformed still again.

When the discouraged cry for hope, make us hope.
When the hungry cry for bread, make us bread.
When the thirsty cry for water, make us water.

When the suffering cry for help, make us help.
When the sick cry for healing, make us healing.
When the oppressed cry for freedom, make us freedom.
When the outcasts cry for love, make us love.

God, who is hope,
who is bread and water,
who is help and healing,
who is freedom,
and who is love,
transform us anew.
keep us close to you as
you transform the world.

Let us leave here asking all this
in the name of God, the Creator,
Jesus, the Redeemer,
and the Holy Spirit, our Breath of Life.
(Adapted from Catholic Relief Services’ “Prayer of Transformation”)

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Ian Webb @ Flickr]

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