August 19, 2018

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2018.08.19


Dear God, we gather here today
and offer to you our precious time,
our limited energy,
and our mindful presence.

We offer you this very moment.
Let us pause and take a deep breath in.

Welcome, Holy One.
Please honor our offerings
by showing us your abundant
wisdom, patience, and beauty this morning.

May we learn more of the wonders
and mysteries of your divine essence.

We pray in the name of
the Creator,
the Redeemer,
And the Breath of Life,

Community Confession

Loving God, forgive us for trying
to figure things out on our own.

Forgive us for scheming and plotting and ignoring you,
for assuming we know what’s best.

Give us peace so that we can rest in your plans,
And patience to wait for your inexplicable timing.
Comfort us when life gets hectic and confusing.

Forgive us when we don’t think things through
and don’t learn from our mistakes.

Forgive us when we slip into well-worn
bad habits and easy outs.

Teach us wisdom and discernment,
so we can grow from our mistakes
and change our unhealthy patterns.

Show us how to live full, healthy lives,
rooted in your love and grace, and
help us extend that love and grace to others.

We ask in the name of
God, our Creator,
Jesus, our Redeemer
The Holy Spirit, our Constant Friend.

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 8.19.18 – Discerning Heart

Where do I need to ask for support in order to fulfill my calling now?

What is something simple I can prepare a meal for this week?


Vox family, as we leave here today,
let us pray together in God’s
working, thanking, trusting, and enjoying.

Love is God’s meaning.
In this love, we have our beginning.
And it has no end.

It is forth-spreading,
with God’s perfect grace,
into great lengths and breadths,
heights and depths.

All is one in love.

Go forth then,
in the name of God, the Author of our lives,
Jesus, the One who makes things right,
And the Holy Spirit, who breathes with us.

~ Adapted from Julian of Norwich’s A Book of Showings

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Han Cheng Yeh @ Flickr]

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