April 15, 2018

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2018.04.15


We thank you, God, for drawing us to this place and time
and for interrupting us with your gift of life in Christ.

Whether we have heard the news many times over,
or are this day listening with brand new ears,
surprise us with your justice and righteousness,
that our lives might turn in the right direction;

startle us with your goodness and mercy, that we
might receive your empowering forgiveness;

stagger us with your hope and peace, that our eyes
will remain wide open as we leave this place, wondering
what you will be doing this week in our world and in us.

We gather this morning in the name
of our mighty God,
of the risen Son,
and of the Holy Spirit,

(Peter L. Haynes)

Community Confession

For your world and your children,
we bring our prayers to you,
God of love.

For those who are misunderstood,
for those places which are abused,
may there be loving care.

For those who live in fear,
for those who bring fear to others,
may there be justice and peace.

For those living with wounds,
for those confounded by death and loss,
may there be hope for new life.

For those who want to understand more,
for those who are content,
may minds and hearts remain open.

For your world and your children,
we open our hearts.
Hear our cries, and lead us,
through Jesus Christ, our risen Lord.

We pray in the name
of our God of love,
of the risen Son,
and of the Holy Spirit,

(Jenny Adams)

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 4.015.18 – Embodiment

How are you invited to live from the vulnerability of your wounds?

In what ways can you live a holistic life that integrates body and soul?


Step out into the world in humble confidence:
there is nothing about to happen that God has not
foreseen, and no situation where Christ will not be
there ahead of you, preparing a place and an
opportunity for you.

May the peace of God, which goes beyond all
understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the
knowledge of God, and of Jesus Christ, God’s Son.

May the blessing of God all-loving,
the Creator, Redeemer and Counselor,
will be with you now and always.

We pray in the name
of our creator God,
of the risen Son,
and of the Holy Spirit,

(Bruce Prewer)

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Robert Ogilvie @ Flickr]

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