April 8, 2018

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2018.04.08


Imagine for a moment that you are alone, out in
the hill country standing at the edge of a pool.
It’s a round pool and very deep.
You can hear the wind in the grass.

What color is the water? Is it a deep blue?
Can you see the bottom? Is the surface moving?
How is the pool fed? Is there a spring nearby, or does
the water well up like a gift from the heart of the Earth?

As we gather in this place today, we are invited
to consider the pool of your baptism. Its water
is a mysterious shade of blue, and so deep you
could swim for miles and not reach the bottom.

The surface of the water of your baptism is moved
by the breath of the Holy Spirit; it is shaded when
pain blocks the sun’s light.

The water of your baptism is constantly refilled,
so that whenever you might need a drink of grace,
it is there, and it is abundant.

For we are never alone, and we are always
invited to walk in the newness of life.

We gather this morning in the name
of our mighty God,
of the risen Son,
and of the Holy Spirit,

Community Confession

When Jesus died on the cross, the temple curtain
was torn, and free access to the glory and grace
of God was made available to anyone who wanted it.

God, teach us to walk in the newness of life,
teach us to choose grace.

Though we are assured of salvation, we still suffer. We hurt.
We are motivated by fear, anger, and shame.

God, teach us to walk in the newness of life,
to choose love over fear.

With every realization that we have separated
ourselves from God and others, we must die a
small death, and put that death into the ground.

God, teach us to walk in the newness of life,
teach us to choose you.

It is only by dying to our sins that we have what
we need to grow fully into the love and grace of
God, fed by the pool of our baptism.

God, teach us to walk in the newness of life,
teach us to choose life.

We bring our attention now, to this time and place,
and center ourselves on God’s goodness.

We pray in the name
of God, our Mother and Father,
of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit,

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 4.08.18 – Baptism

In what ways are you growing into your baptism this season?

How are you still being transformed by your baptism?


Go now from this place, aware of your own
salvation. There are many chapters of your
journey to new life to be discovered.

Remember the waters of your baptism, and drink
from them often. Trust that your God loves you,
walks with you, and delights in your growth.
Live fully into this truth.

We pray and celebrate the name
of our creator God,
of the risen Son,
and of the Holy Spirit,

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Matt Bower @ Flickr]

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