December 4, 2016

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 12.04.2016


Holy God, we long for your peace,
and trust in your promise; we hear
your call to turn toward you, to
change our lives and welcome you in.

Meet us here and fill our minds with
your wisdom and our hearts with your
peace, so that our worship together
may open us to the challenge of
your dream of wholeness for all.

We pray in the name
of the Father,
of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit,

Community Confession

Lord, you are always with us.
You surround us with goodness.
Your love is a mystery.

But we hunger for certainty,
and exhaust ourselves in search of
what we already have in abundance.

Open our eyes, God, to see
that we have everything in You.

Lord, you have invited us to give up the
weight of our performing in exchange
for the lightness of your complete gift.
We are known and loved by you.

Teach us to practice compassion for
ourselves and others. And in doing so,
may we find an ocean of peace and
gratitude in our hearts and in our homes.

We ask in the name
of the Father,
of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.
(Written by Trevor McCurry)

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 12.04.16 – Advent II: Preparing for Peace

Where are the wilderness places in our lives where survival feels like a struggle?
What experiences (feelings, situations, conditions) do I find difficult or nearly impossible to welcome?
What practices help me prepare for a peace that’s here but not yet here?


One day the wilderness will blossom
with flowers; the desert wasteland will
come alive with new growth and God’s
glory and splendor will be on full display.

With this news, strengthen
those who have tired hands,
and encourage those
who have weak knees.

Say to those with fearful hearts,
“Be strong, and do not fear,
for your God is coming to save you.”

So go with confidence into the days ahead.
May the love of God,
the grace of Jesus Christ,
and the presence of the Holy Spirit,
be among you and within you.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Gordon Hart @ Flickr]

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