October 16, 2016

Values: Peculiarity

As we continue our series on our Vox Values, Weylin Lee explores why Jesus invites us into the peculiar practice of loving our enemies [Matthew 5].

Value of Peculiarity
In the Sermon on the mount, Jesus gives us a picture of what our Christian communities should be striving towards. Holiness has been hijacked by rule based legalism/ fundamentalism. For us, to be set apart, is to live a life worthy of the calling we’ve received, messing up along the way, then limitlessly forgiving each other. This is strange and peculiar. Radically loving our enemies is the gold standard of holiness. It’s the ultimate difference in a darwinian, disposable world. This is our vision for the world Jesus came to restore today, bit by bit, and a world we want to live in. We seek to relentlessly offer grace to ourselves, one another and the world around us. (Matt 5)

In what ways do my enemies reflect the image of God?
Where have I experienced grace in my life this week? Where have I needed grace this week?
How can I practice an act of love or generosity anonymously this week?

Vox Values
Podcast: LL Bean Return Policy (This American Life)
Video: The 100 Years Show
MWG: Discussion Guide

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