October 2, 2016

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 10.02.2016


Your love, O God, is an active love:
engaging, involving, and immersive.

It is seen in what you do and not just in
what you say: in the blessing of children,
in the meals with outcasts,

in the touching of those deemed untouchable,
in your presence, and how you attend to all
who will approach you;

And your love, O God, is expressed through people
like us: as we share our wealth in simplicity; as we
share wholeness in caring for the sick and broken;

as we share hospitality by being present to the lonely and
the marginalized; as we share peace through kindness,
accepting those who challenge, confront and even threaten us.

As you have loved us in incarnate action, O God,
may we also learn to be reflections of your love,
expressed and experienced through action.

We pray in the name
of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit,

Community Confession

Lord, we pray that we may have clarity of vision,
even when what we see is uncomfortable.

May our ears listen for cries of lament
and for voices that desire to be heard.

We pray that our hearts remain open to see
you in others you call from different places,

May we find refuge in the handiwork of how
you created us: to offer touch, hospitality, and
connection in places of shame and isolation.

We pray that our feet will stay eager
to bring the gospel of peace.

Help us, O God, to step forward in confidence,
and break down barriers to welcome all people
into your vision of shalom, of peace and healing.

We ask in the name
of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit,

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 10.02.16 – Empathy II

Who is someone in your life that you have a hard time understanding? Why do you think that is?
What would it look like to take a small step this week to try to understand where they are coming from?


God, who created us in the
divine image, sends us forth:

We go, to reflect the presence of
our Creator to everyone we meet.

Jesus, who has redeemed us, has established
the reign of God in our midst: We go, to bring
healing to the broken of the world.

The Holy Spirit, who calls us to be God’s
People, goes with us to many places:

We go to tear down the walls that divide us,
and to build lives of hope for all of God’s children.

Go into the week knowing our lives have
been touched by the triune God.

We are cleansed by the mercy of God.
We are surrounded by the love of Christ.
We are filled with the empathy of the Spirit.

This we pray, in the name
of the triune God, Holy in One,

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by rhi ellis @ Flickr]

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