August 7, 2016

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 08.07.2016


Creator God, we gather today in worship of your
holiness, your goodness, your faithfulness.

You are the creator of joy, of love, and of life.
We praise you for your goodness.

You have designed us to reflect your nature,
and so you have given us the power to be holy,
good and faithful. Open our hearts to the mystery
of faith for things unseen.

Send your Spirit into our community
today as we worship you. Invite us to
seek your heart and your desires, so
that we may experience you fully.

Breathe excitement into this gathered
group of people; excitement that our
faith is rewarded by your promises
being fulfilled within us.

We begin our worship today
in the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit,

Community Confession

Creator God, you created us to be powerful beings. We have the power
to make life or destroy life, to build up or tear down, to open ourselves
to chaos or hide our inherent messiness, to love or hate, trust or fear.

You created us to be powerful beings.
Creator God, forgive us when we use our power to
serve ourselves instead of your beloved people.

In our fear of not being enough, we forget that you already decided we are
wonderful, and we scratch at the dirt looking for anything to add value.
Our faith is shaken when we cannot find enough and we turn again to our
power to build ourselves up,hurting ourselves and others along the way.

You created us to be powerful beings.
Creator God, forgive us when we lose faith in our own goodness
and use our power to try to save ourselves in your eyes.

In our desire to live in a perfect world, which you wrote onto our
very hearts, we use our energy to worry over what we can’t see
instead of finding peace in the evidence of your love.

You created us to be powerful beings.
Creator God, forgive us when we forget about
faith and demand signs of your presence.

Pick us up from the dirt. Brush us off as
you show your infinite power for love and
compassion. Be our point of reference when
we are scared or lost. Teach us to live in faith.

We pray in the name
of the creator Father,
the compassionate Son,
and the guiding Holy Spirit,

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 8.07.16 – Near Faith

How can we hold the tension of unfulfilled desires in a meaningful way?
Whose faith are we invited to be near?


Go in the name of hope, trusting that
your God is powerful and saving a
place for you in his eternal kingdom.

Go in the name of joy, trusting that
your God desires your happiness.

Go in the promise that by seeking his will, you
will connect with your God in a way that brings
life and energy to you and to those around you.

Go, knowing that what is unseen will be
seen, what is invisible will be made visible.
Go, knowing he made you to be great
and powerful in his image.

We pray in the name
of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit,

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by dana.gluck @ Flickr]

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