January 10, 2016

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 01.10.2016


Most wonderful God,
foolish and flawed though we are,
we too delight in your beloved Son.
As in his name we gather,
may the heavens be opened for us,
that we may catch a glimpse of that Light and Love
that transforms our common days
with a beauty not of our making.
Through Christ Jesus our Lord.

Community Confession

Lord God, help us lead lives worthy
of the calling and work
you have given each of us.

We can not do this alone,
we dare not try this alone,
so we gather as your church, oh God.

Enable us to lead lives worthy of your Son’s sacrifice,
a life filled with service and meekness.

We come to build up Christ’s body,
in humility and gentleness,
with patience and love.

Strengthen us to lead lives which reflect your calling,
that life of peace grounded in the Spirit.

We rejoice in our oneness in Christ,
and freely share the grace offered to us.

We gather as God’s family to work and pray
in the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

How are we invited into the process of healing in our own lives and not simply focusing on the macro level of injustice in the world?
What is our version or experience of “home”?
How can we view home as the pilgrimage and not a destination?


Go now as a light to this city
Honor the Lord;
In our weakness, lend us your strength
In our strength, help us live with humility

And may God strengthen us and bless us with peace that passes all understanding;
May Christ Jesus bring forth justice for us and among us;
And may the Holy Spirit affirm us as God’s beloved ones.

We go in peace to love and serve the Lord,
In the name of Christ. Amen.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by harmon @ Flickr]

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