October 14, 2015

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 10.11.2015


We believe in God, who speaks through
the prophets and lifts our gaze up to
high and beautiful paths and peaks.

We believe in Christ Jesus, free of corruption,
yet willingly numbered among the sinners,
baptized in the waters of the Jordan.

We believe in the Spirit, who rested on Jesus
like a dove, and inspired him with such love
as the world has not seen before or since.

We believe that those who are baptized into
Christ shall share his Spirit, his mission and
his ultimate victory over sin and death.

We believe that there is no human ability that
can not be enlarged, and no weakness that can
not be used by Christ to the praise of God.

We believe that as children of God, we are the
recipients of a healing grace which precedes
and supersedes all our efforts to be true.

With the help of God, we will attempt to live our
beliefs all the days of our lives, and by his grace,
build up the church with humble service to the world.

We believe and worship
in the name of the Father,
of the risen Son
and of the Holy Spirit,

Community Confession

God our Father, in your love you welcome us as
your children, through your care you have shaped
the universe, with your mercy you hear our prayers.
Hear us, your children, as we
come before you in worship.

Jesus, our risen Master, in our weakness,
you call us, in our confusion, you teach us,
in our troubles, you offer us peace.
Meet us, your children, as we
gather to hear your word.

Spirit, Living One, in the beginning, you breathed life,
in chaos and darkness, you brought hope, in many
tongues, you spread good news.
Transform us, your people, and
open our minds and hearts to you.

God, Loving Father, Son and Spirit, we confess to you.
We come with doubts and fears. We come in ignorance.
We know we have failed you, your creation and your
people, in many ways.

Trusting in your love, we turn again to you.
As we open our hearts to your mercy and
forgiveness, grant us your peace.

Accept our prayers,
accept our worship,
accept us as we are,

in the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit,

(written by Jenny Adams)

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 10.11.15 – Formation

What are the some new questions we need to continue to ask in our journey of following Jesus?
What are some rhythms that provide structure for our spiritual formation?
How can we practice the difficult expression of love in a diverse community?


As you go from here, remember this: because
of the work of the Holy Spirit within us, we are
sons and daughters of God.

We have been adopted into his family;
God is truly our Father. And if we are
God’s children, we are His heirs, and
fellow heirs with Christ.

So go in peace and confidence, knowing
that the love of God, our Father, the grace
of Jesus Christ, and the fellowship of the
Holy Spirit goes with us.

Depart from here,
serving in the name
of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Tag Christof @ Flickr]

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