As a community, we can support and celebrate with each other through prayer. Join us in praying for those both spoken and unspoken during Sunday liturgy.
Prayers of Thanksgiving. For …
- My sister who left an abusive relationship and moved into a new place and is beginning to experience peace and joy (Suzie)
- Realizing that I have everything that I need and remembering this blessing that I have (Derrick)
- The blessings that have and will come through unexpected change (Mike C)
… let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God.
Prayers of Petition. For …
- Our family to be light and love to those who visit Green Acres where we live (Brandon D)
- A friend who has a rare form of cancer which has spread to her lungs and lymph nodes (Rachel L)
- My friend’s grandmother who just passed away this morning (Matt W)
- My grandfather who is starting to experience dementia and the challenge it is for my grandmother (Matt W)
- My friend Megan who lost her husband this past week and has four children (Anslee)
- Children around the world who have known nothing but fear and death, that they could somehow experience the peace and healing of Christ (Sarah B)
- Recent unexpected changes that have impacted people around me negatively (Mike C)
- A student I worked with recently who committed a crime that involved a victim (John)
- My brother who is having difficulty transitioning from prison and finding a way to sustain himself (Terry)
… let us pray to the Lord. Lord have mercy.