September 23, 2015

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 09.20.2015


We could not approach you, O God,
were it not for the person of Jesus,
Lord and Savior, Servant and Friend.

His perfect love and life could have
widened the gap between us and you,

but instead he offered himself as
the way to you, by living out the
truth of your love, showing no
prejudice and gracing our lives
with the gift of his life.

Accept our prayers and praise, our spoken
and unspoken words of thankfulness for being
able to approach you, O God, through Jesus—
the way, the truth and the life.

May our time of worship increase our desire
to live lives which honor and glorify you.

We pray all this in the name
of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

(- written by Moira Laidlaw)

Community Confession

Our Father,
we know we shouldn’t, but we play favorites.
We know it is wrong, yet how easily do we
distinguish between ‘us’ and ‘them.’
We know we have nothing to fear, but we
turn aside from your steadfast love.

How glibly we say we trust you, Holy One,
and how quickly our fears silence our words.
We find you at the side of the poor, while we
gravitate to ones more popular or wealthy.

You stand behind the counter serving
the hungry at the soup kitchen, while
we stock our homes till they overflow.

We look down at those whose hands
are dirty, but your hand of mercy pulls
them into your embracing love.

Forgive us, O Lord, and do good to us
when we have trouble doing good for others.

Surround us with your love;
surround us with your grace;
surround us with your peace;
surround us with the Spirit.

We pray to you,
our God in community,
holy in one.
(~ written by Thom Shuman)

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 9.20.15 -Favorites & Faith

How have we been bad judges in how we view and perceive others?
Who is the other in our lives that represents the diversity that is required to live out the image of God?
How do we need to receive the love of God first in order to love others?


You are a chosen people. You
are royal priests, a holy nation,

God’s very own, in order
that you might show others
the goodness of God,

who has called you out of darkness into his
wonderful light, without judgment but with
grace, love and mercy.

Go from this place in confidence,
knowing that the presence and
the peace of God go with you,

and live and serve others this week
in the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Anton E. Philippov @ Flickr]

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