September 17, 2015

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 09.13.2015


Gracious God, into the shadows
of our isolation you speak words
of life and community.

You challenge the lives we lead,
and you call us away from places
we try to call home to lead us more
deeply into the world you love.

With your gentle, healing touch
you redeem the broken fragments
in our lives, and you heal the
wounded places of the earth.

Inspire our worship here this day, so that
we may receive liberation in your word, and
be filled to overflowing, that we may share
your reconciling love throughout the earth.

We ask in the name
of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Community Confession

Merciful God, we confess how easy it is for us
to begin to adopt the attitudes and rhythm of
the world around us; to let our lives be shaped
only by culture rather than by your call.
Lord, in Your mercy, hear and forgive.

We confess how often we think of our own
interests first — more concerned with our
own status than with the well-being of others.
Lord, in Your mercy, hear and forgive.

We confess that we have not always treated
one another as valued members of your Body,
the Church; that we have allowed intolerance
and resentment to tear us apart.
Lord, in Your mercy, hear and forgive.

We confess that we do not always acknowledge
you as Lord, trusting in our own abilities and
following our own goals rather than submitting
ourselves to your will and your call.
Lord, in Your mercy, hear and forgive.

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, transform us.
Change us from within, so that our words and our lives
would bring honor and glory to you, our Savior and Lord.

We pray to you, our God in community, holy in One.

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 9.13.15 – Margin

What one thing would make our lives simpler and open ourselves up to spiritual growth?
Who are the people that make room for our humanity and spiritual growth?
What’s is alive in us today? What is dying? What is being reborn?


Go now, in the freedom
of the gospel of Christ.

Encourage one another daily to lead
lives worthy of God, and create space
to walk together in service and humility.

Let your words and your
lives be one in Christ.

And may the God of lasting love
open the way before you;

May Jesus the Messiah,
be your one instructor;

And may the Holy Spirit lead
you on into the promised land
of God’s kingdom and glory.

Depart this week and every week,
worshipping the name
of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Veronika Gilková @ Flickr]

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