July 19, 2015

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 07.19.2015


O God, we trust in your power,
even as it is often found in weakness;

in your wisdom, even as it is expressed in
seeming foolishness; in your wholeness,
even as it comes to us amid brokenness.

We do not ask this day for displays
of strength, exercises of intellectual
prowess, or manifestations of miracles.

We come only to worship you.

Be with us this day, O Lord, sinners that
we are, that we might become your saints,
your body, your children, your church.

For this community of your Spirit
is built not upon our own abilities,
knowledge, or restorative skill, but
upon you, in Jesus Christ, whom
you gave up for all of humanity.

We thank you and pray
in the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Community Confession

O God, we trust in your power,
even as it is often found in weakness;

in your wisdom, even as it is expressed in
seeming foolishness; in your wholeness,
even as it comes to us amid brokenness.

We do not ask this day for displays
of strength, exercises of intellectual
prowess, or manifestations of miracles.

We come only to worship you.

Be with us this day, O Lord, sinners that
we are, that we might become your saints,
your body, your children, your church.

For this community of your Spirit
is built not upon our own abilities,
knowledge, or restorative skill, but
upon you, in Jesus Christ, whom
you gave up for all of humanity.

We thank you and pray
in the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 7.19.15 –

How do we practice true humility?
Where is the deeper river running in my life?
What would it look like to lean into grace this week?


Go now, and wherever people will hear you,
proclaim the life-changing love of God.

Do not fear your weakness,
for when you are weakest,
Christ’s strength is known.
Travel lightly, live simply,
and honor those who
welcome the gospel.

And may God be your protection
and safe haven; may the power of
Christ Jesus dwell in you; and may
the Holy Spirit be your guide forever.

We go in the name
of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Terry Barentsen @ Flickr]

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