February 15, 2015

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 02.15.2015


O Holy One, on mountaintops
and valley floors you reveal
to us the light of your love.

Our hearts desire to bask
in the amazing glory of
your divine presence.

Encounter us that we may be
changed and transformed.
Draw us nearer that we might
receive and keep your Holy Spirit.

Help us, O Holy One, to live our lives
as reflections of your divine glory.

May we walk among our brothers
and sisters as a blessing,
bearing light into dark places,
hope to displace despair,
and love that casts out hate.

Our world is hurting, and we
need to follow you more closely.
Maybe then we will hear your
voice speaking to us, saying,
… “listen to my Child, the Beloved!”

We pray in the name
of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit, amen.

Community Confession

Today, we reflect on
Jesus Christ’s transfiguration,
and how his light affects us still.

He came bathed in light, dazzling, radiant…
Forgive us, God, for accepting
mediocrity in our work for your
name and calling it good enough.

He came appearing with Elijah and Moses…
Forgive us, God, when we limit the
ways we share your story to the world,
even in the face of your expansive vision.

He came while a voice was shouting,
“this is my Beloved; listen!”
Forgive us, God, for choosing to
heed our own voices and drowning
out your Spirit with only more distractions.

Hear our prayers, and have mercy on us.
Help us to live this week with joy and peace
that comes only from you.

We ask and pray to our God in community, holy in One.

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 2.15.15 – Transfiguration

What is a new intention that we can try in this upcoming season of lent?
What are the thin spaces in our lives where we can engage with God?
How would it look different for us to live out of love instead of living to be loved?


We all know how tempting it is to remain inside this blessing
of God, to linger where everything is dazzling and clear.

We could build walls around this blessing, put a roof over it.
We could bring in furniture, have the most amazing meals.
We could make a home. We could stay as we are.

But this blessing is built for leaving.
This blessing is made for coming
down the mountain. This blessing
wants to be in motion, to travel with
you as you return to level ground.

It will seem strange how quiet this blessing becomes
when it returns to earth. Yet, it is not shy. It is not afraid.

It simply knows how to bide its time,
to watch and wait, to discern and pray

until the moment comes when it will reveal
everything it knows, when it will shine forth
with all that it has seen, when it will dazzle
with the unforgettable light you have carried all this way.

So go forth from here.
Be a blessing to those
you meet, for you are blessed.

In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by anna nycz @ Flickr]

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