January 4, 2015

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 01.04.2015


We give you thanks, our Father in heaven,
and we praise you through our Lord Jesus Christ.

You promised him as our Savior
to a humanity gone astray.
His truth is a light for those who seek,
his power gives strength to the weak,
his holiness brings forgiveness to sinners.

For he is the Savior of the world
whom you sent because you are faithful.
You have shown us through your Son,
your concern for all that is weak and wounded.

If Jesus is alive among us,
let us extend his care through us.
May the Lord continue to dwell in our world
through our love and compassion.

And so, with all the angels and believers
around the world, we proclaim your glory
and joyfully celebrate your presence with us
as we sing our hymns of praise.

We give you thanks and pray
in the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Community Confession

When our faith is rooted deeply in you, O God,
our lives reflect your kingdom values of justice
and righteousness, but sometimes our lives
become so entangled with the values of the world,
that your values take second place.

Forgive us, O God,
and reconnect us to the Holy Spirit,
source of power and life.

Merciful God, in this season, we admit that
we prefer to be sentimental rather than sacrificial.
Strip our hearts and minds of all that prevents
our lives from being firmly rooted in you.

May our lives bear fruit worthy of our faith in you,
to breathe peace wherever we may be as we give thanks
and celebrate your breaking into our world once more.

We pray in the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.


What are some things that we might be blind to and need to see in a new light this coming year?
What are some ways we can improve how we relate to God in the new year?
How can we see the potential for glory in each of us and in everything that we do?


When the song of the angels is stilled,
When the star in the sky is gone,
When the kings and princes are home,
When the shepherds are back with their flocks,
The work of Christmas begins:

To find the lost,
To heal the broken,
To feed the hungry,
To release the prisoner,
To rebuild the nations,
To bring peace among the people,
To make music in the heart.

Let us be the work of Christmas
this day and forever, all in the name
of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by matt bower @ Flickr]

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