Photo by Brian Lin @ Flickr

September 21, 2014

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 09.21.14


We thank you, God,
for your gifts of beginnings and ends.
To start again the work you have called us to do,
and to finish well with your Spirit guiding us.

And yet, God of the covenant,
even when we fail and fall into sin,
your Spirit invites us to remember
that you chose us to be your servant people.

Awaken us to the power and gifts
you pour into us for the good of creation,
and grant that we may be trustworthy in all things,
producing abundantly as we work to build your kingdom.

We ask all this in the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Community Confession

In prayer, let us confess to God as a community.

Eternal God, our Creator, Judge and Redeemer,
we confess that we have tried to hide from you,
for we have done wrong.

We have lived for ourselves and apart from you.
We have turned from our neighbors and refused
to bear the burdens of others.

We have ignored the pain of the world and passed
by the hungry, the poor, and the oppressed.

In your great mercy, forgive our sins,
our pattern of falling from you again and again.

Free us from selfishness,
that we may choose your will
and obey your commandments;
through Jesus Christ our Savior.

We ask in the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.


What do the choices that we make say about the leadership in our lives?
Are we willing to be found by God in whatever condition we are in?


God, who created us in his divine image, sends us forth:
we go, to reflect the presence of our Creator
to everyone we meet.

Jesus, who has redeemed us,
has established the reign of God in our midst:
we go, to bring healing to the broken of our world.

The Holy Spirit, who calls you to be God’s people,
goes with you to many places:
We go, to tear down the walls that divide us,
and to build lives of hope for all of God’s children.

Now, may the peace of rolling waves,
the peace of silent mountains,
the peace of the shining stars,
and the deep, peace of the Prince of Peace,
be with you now and forever.

We pray in the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Brian Lin @ Flickr]

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