June 8, 2014

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 6.08.14


Holy One,
For all of the ways you speak to us –
in the rushing wind,
in dancing flames,
in the words of friends and loved ones,
and in all that transcends language,
we give you thanks.

Give us eyes to see your story,
a story of redemption that works in our lives each day.

Give us ears to listen to your words,
words of hope, reminding us of your promise
to dwell with us always,
even in the shadows of darkness.

Give us courage to speak your love,
everywhere we go,
to everyone we meet.

We ask in the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Community Confession

In prayer, let us confess to God as a community.

God of all time, of history, of things present, and of things to come,
we confess our own abandonment of the mission you have given us.

You gave us power through your Spirit and an indefinite timeline for your return.
Yet, we have squandered time and wasted our gifts to fulfill selfish motives,
separating us from one another.

Like the disciples, we often look to the sky for Jesus,
instead of in the faces of the least of these among us.

Forgive us, O God, and make us whole again.
Reignite a holy passion within us,
that we may fulfill your charge to be witnesses of your grace and glory.

Make us all storytellers with words that bring hope and joy
to all who may hear.

We ask all this to our God in community, holy in One. Amen.


How is the Holy Spirit working in your life today?
What stories come to mind when you think of what God is doing in your daily life?


God, you have gathered us to this place,
where we hear your stories which show us
what the kingdom of God is like.

God, you call us to this place,
where we can learn how to serve you
without reservation or hesitation.

Now God, send us from this place,
to tell others of your hopes and dreams,
so they too, can experience your Holy Spirit
working in their lives.

Let us go in the name of you, the Father,
of you, the Son
and of you, the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Shelbie Dimond @ Flickr]

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