March 16, 2014

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 03.16.14


We gather today, O Lord of Life, seeking fullness.
Not the fullness our world offers, but fullness that comes from You.

We spend so much of our lives on things that do not count.
Things that promise much and give little.

Help us now…
today, to find fulfillment in Your love,
May we discover all you have to give,
And seek You while we yet have the gift of days.

Lift us O God, to a higher plane of living,
as we lift our hearts, our minds and our souls
into Your Holy presence.

We ask these things
in the name of you, the Father,
you, the Son,
and you, the Holy Spirit.

Community Confession

In prayer, let us confess to God as a community.

Forty days alone,
a wilderness of thoughts,
tempting and inviting thoughts,
which could so easily have distracted you
from your task, your mission,
your vision.

Yet you emerged, stronger and more attuned
to all that had to be done,
despite a time constraint
that to our eyes would have seemed hopeless.

We too live in stressful times.
Demands are made of our time,
that leave so little for more important things
of the life you call us to live.

We are easily distracted
in the wilderness of our lives,
by every call to go this way or that,
to turn stone to bread
leap from mountains,
and do all that would keep us from the truth.

We listen to the voices of this world,
and ignore the one who endured all this
and so much more,
and emerged triumphant,
that we might not have to suffer so.

Forgive us, Father,
when we get distracted from our task.
Forgive us those times when we try
to be all things to all men,
and fail to be anything to anyone.

Teach us to number our days aright,
that we may gain a heart of wisdom,
to work and rejoice in the moments
we share in service to your kingdom.

We ask in confidence, praying to you,
our God in community, holy in One.


How can we discern the busyness of our lives in order to say yes to the best things and no even to good things?
In what ways do we need to slow down in order to be more spiritually sensitive and able to hear God’s voice?


We hasten toward an hour
when earthly pursuits and possessions will appear vain,

when it will make no difference whether we have been rich or poor,
successful or disappointed,
admired or despised.

But it will be of eternal importance that we have mourned for sin,
hungered and thirsted after righteousness,
loved our Lord, Jesus in sincerity,
and served the people of this world with grace and love.

May these objects form our chief desire.

Let us leave here, in the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by coolhandluke @ Flickr]

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