March 2, 2014

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 03.02.14


O Holy One,
on mountaintops and valley floors
you reveal to us the light of your love.

Our hearts desire to bask
in the amazing glory of your divine presence.

Encounter us that we may be changed and transformed.
Draw us nearer that we might receive and keep your Holy Spirit.

Help us, O Holy One, to live our lives
as reflections of your divine glory.

May we walk among our brothers and sisters as a blessing,
bearing light into dark places,
hope to displace despair,
and love that casts out hate.

Our world is hurting
and we need to follow you more closely.
Maybe then we will hear your voice speaking to us, saying,
… “listen to my Child, the Beloved!”

We pray in the name of the Father,
of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

Community Confession

In prayer, let us confess to God as a community.

O God,
We open our eyes, and we see Jesus,
the months of ministry transfigured to a beam of light,
the light of the world, your light.
God of mercy, may your light shine upon us.

We open our eyes and we see Moses and Elijah,
your word restoring us, showing us the way,
telling a story,
your story, his story, our story.
God of revelations, may your word speak to us.

We open our eyes, and we see mist,
the cloud of your presence
which assures us of all we do not know
and that we do not need to fear that.
God of infinite wisdom, teach us to trust.

We open our eyes, and we see Peter’s constructions,
his best plans, our best plans,
our missing the point,
our missing the way.
God of abundant grace, forgive our foolishness and sin.

We open our eyes, and we see Jesus,
not casting us off, but leading us down, leading us out –
to ministry, to people.
God of our very lives, may your love endure forever.

Keep our ears open that we hear your voice,
‘This is my beloved Son, listen to him!’
We give you thanks, praying to our God in community, Holy in One.


What does God’s voice sound like in our lives and what is the white noise we need to remove?
How can we embrace God being with us rather than just fixing and solving the problems we’re in?
How can we be invitational in telling our encounter and epiphany with Christ?


Go now, and speak of what you have seen of God’s greatness.
Do not cling to holy moments
when heaven overshadows you,

but as the Lord lives, listen to Christ and follow him
from the places of revelation
to the places of mission.

And may God shine the light of glory into your hearts.
May Christ be with you and never leave you.
And may the Spirit renew the image of God within you.

Depart from here to love and serve
in name of the Father,
of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by SC|Photography @ Flickr]

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